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Handling YOUR HURRICANE Damage
Claim From Start to Finish

Matrix Claims Services, YOUR claim advocate

A hurricane can cause catastrophic property damage: wind, water, tornados, and more.

The greatest impact from a Hurricane:

  • Wind
  • Rain
  • Storm surge & flooding
  • Tornados
  • Debris

Damage that is caused is usually:

  • Roofs
  • Siding
  • Garage doors
  • Windows and doors
  • Signs and fences
  • Contents
  • Equipment/inventory

Hurricane damage, is your insurance company managing a catastrophe event, overwhelmed with calls and claims and a slow path to recovery?  Insurance companies during these demanding times, catastrophes, hire third party independent claim administrators to provide field and desk claims adjusters and estimates. Typically, not all, independent adjusters are catastrophe adjusters who work seasonally and/or are inexperience, “new adjusters” starting out in the insurance adjusting industry. 

These independent adjusters are now responsible for determining your hurricane damage loss and writing a complete damage assessment and estimate. The skill level of OUR team of public adjusters and experts will advocate for you starting with develop a comprehensive claims package: 

  • Review insurance policy coverage, policy endorsements, date and cause of loss, verify loss is covered under your insurance policy, review insurance carrier’s estimate and correspondence for overlooked and missed applied coverages
  • Write a through Xactimate estimate (estimating software use by most insurance companies)
  • IGuide 3D floor plans and video
  • Photos of interior and exterior
  • Satellite imagery of roof and building elevations
  • Mitigate damage assessment and reports; moisture maps indicating moisture inside ceilings, walls and floor
  • Manage site inspections with insurance company representatives, contractors, engineers, inventory specialists

Matrix Claims Services is YOUR claim advocate investigating and documenting the Hurricane damage.  Our comprehensive claims report provides the complete details of YOUR loss so we can get the full settlement you deserve.

Matrix Claims Services
is YOUR Insurance Advocate!

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Insurance Claim Advocate

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Matrix Claims Services
claim handling:

Step 1
Review insurance policy coverage, policy endorsements, date and cause of loss, verify loss is covered under your insurance policy, review insurance carrier’s estimate and correspondence for overlooked and missed applied coverages
Physial Damage Assessment
Step 3
Engineering, forensic accountants for business loss coverage, forensic weather data reports, equipment and inventory specialists to prepare sound reasoning for the valuation we place on your rebuild cost
File Claim
Step 5
Negotiate and settlement of YOUR claim
Process Claim
Step 2
Xactimate (estimating software), IGuide 3D floor plans and video, photos of interior and exterior, satellite imagery, mitigate damage assessment and reports, manage site inspections, claim correspondence and manage insurance representative meetings
Support Assessment
Step 4
Comprehensive claims report to include filing the claim with Proof of Loss.

Contact A Claim Advocate Now